Whether or not you have enough money to get from paycheck-to-paycheck, you need a budget. In fact, it's my clients who think they have plenty of money who most need to keep track of where their bucks are going.
Really...here's why...
Knowing what your life costs -- and how those costs have changed over time -- is crucial to building an accurate and believable retirement plan. How else will you know if the goal you're saving for is enough to cover the way you like to live?
Making a rough guess for your first Financial Plan is okay, but as the years progress and you refine your goals, you'll want your retirement income target to be as accurate as possible. You'll feel more confident about picking your actual retirement date and the weeks after you give up the paycheck will be worry free (or at least more worry free.)
www.MINT.com is the resource that's helped the most clients because it's easy to use, available on their mobile devices and from any computer, and the Net Income trend graph is hugely understandable and clear.
Here is a helpful post from Aimee McNitt over at www.PersonalBudgeting.com you might find helpful, too.
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